Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Innovative and Interactive Learning with Google

This is Old(er) News, but I Forgot this Exists!

The Google Art Project is a part of the Google Cultural Institute, a website dedicated to making arts and culture more accessible- that is, collections and displays and projects are online, where anyone with an internet connection can visit.

Google believes that by providing these tools and resources digitally will "engage students, scholars and teachers through innovative and interactive learning." 

I believe it. With the Google Art Project, you can create your own galleries of work from pieces across the world. There are tools for those taking tough Art History courses (maybe I'll use these as an Art History Teaching Assistant and Art History fanatic ;).

The Google Cultural Institute works and partners directly with museums, cultural institutions, and archives, so it is not just another Google Search page.

In the "Explore" section of the Google Art Project you can choose from multiple categories, which you can combine if you're stuck on the name of a work you want to learn more about (or a specific categorized piece that you just really need for a biased art history paper).
I'll have to put this feature to the test in the upcoming months.

Below, the vid' that reminded me in the first place:

(or click this hyperlink: Art Project- How to Use the Site )

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Another Interesting 3-wait, 4-D Project?!

It's called 4-D printing, and the fourth dimension in this case is time. Here's how it works: A 3-D printer with extremely high resolution uses materials that can respond to outside stimuli, like heat or light, as ink. The resulting structure can change, move or even assemble itself after it's been printed.
(Siner, 2013)
Check it Out.