Monday, February 10, 2014

Re-creating Faces out of Garbage: Where Art and Science Meet

I'm just going to leave this here....
3D-Printed faces from found DNA samples? ?!

Heather Dewey-Hagborg (artist) began collecting DNA samples from random trash in public spaces throughout New York City in 2012. Cigarette butts, chewed gum, and strands of hair were collected- all items left behind without much, if any, thought.

You can read/look in further detail on her portfolio website.

This artwork brings up bigger issues to think about.

1. Could this use of technology be of use in the crime-fighting world? If so, could this escalate into larger areas of concern- a Dystopian nightmare? Or, would this be overall beneficial to society if used in this way?

2. Are there any ethical concerns with re-constructing the faces of strangers without consent, or is this public commons and fair game?

3. Could this be of use in other areas of science? Learning more about ancestors or giant creatures from thousands of years ago? (Oh, wait.)

What other concerns or phenomena could this process bring relevancy to?

Dewey-Hagborg states that this is an ongoing project- I can't wait to see more! Nice work.